Many people in the Pittsburgh Area thinking about remodeling their bath or shower don’t know about the numerous material options available for the walls that surround your bath or shower. To save people time and research, here are the most common options out there and what Mt. Pleasant Window & Remodeling Co. recommends:
Glass tiles are pretty simple to describe. These titles can give additional shininess to your bath or shower area. Unlike most tiles, they come in smaller tiles that when added together create a pattern. They break very easily and cost $$$.
Pros: Nice to Look At, Shiny, Unique
Cons: Expensive, Brittle, Easily Damaged
Stone tiles look like natural marbling, very similar to granite. They also need to be installed one-by-one in your wall, a very time consuming process that will drive up your bath or shower cost.
Pros: Strong, Natural Texture
Cons: Expensive, Easily Stained, Hard to Clean, Too Long to Install
Ceramic tiles are larger than glass or stone ones, making your bath or shower wall look different.. Ceramic is basically like porcelain, which is what your toilet is made out of.
Pros: Cheap
Cons: Out of Style, Complex/Involved Installation, Looks Cheesy
Acrylic material is custom cut in one large piece to fit your bath or shower wall per corner. Acrylic is a sheet installation process for bath or shower walls, definitely not like tile. This creates a glossy finish with many different options and designs to choose from.
Pros: Slip-Resistant, Mold-Resistant, Great Variety of Color & Texture Options, Inexpensive, Easy Installation
Con: Nothing We Can Find!
Mt. Pleasant Window & Remodeling Co. recommends acrylic as the best bath and shower wall material. Acrylic is the best system to use for bath and shower walls for the following reasons: 1) The Safest 2) Low Maintenance 3) Easy to Install. Most of our baths and showers can be installed in as little as two days. Acrylic is considered one of the most durable materials being used currently in the bath and shower construction industry. These Acrylic Bath and Shower walls are guaranteed not to chip, peel, crack or fade over time while being highly resistant to mold or mildew.
Mt. Pleasant Window uses this acrylic material for our bath and showers because we think it is the best for you, your home, your family and your wallet. The different styles and textures we offer from our bath supplier We will make your bath or shower match what you have been picturing in your dreams. On top of that, our bath and showers are fully customizable. And if you are looking for safety features, customizable options include low or no barrier entry, built-in seating options and grab bars. Most importantly, our acrylic bath and showers come with a lifetime material warranty.
If you are interested in a new bath or shower, we guarantee acrylic is the way to go. Set up a free estimate for your new bath or shower with Mt. Pleasant Window & Remodeling today! Contact us online or call us today at 724-200-8494.