Compared to housing values in the rest of Pennsylvania, home prices in New Stanton, PA are a little higher than average. Most of the houses here are valued between $150,000 and $300,000. Data from suggest that many New Stanton homes were built in 1979 or earlier.
If you live in New Stanton and want to upgrade the look of your home, increase its value, and live in a more energy-efficient environment, you will want to contact Mt. Pleasant Window & Remodeling Co. for window, door, and bathroom updates.
When it is time for a home improvement project, it is advantageous for homeowners to replace windows and doors at the same time. This minimizes disruption and saves you money on the set-up costs. You can get all your windows and doors to match and you can get the look and feel that you want. You’ll have better overall insulation, prevent mold and mildew, and lower your maintenance costs.
Make your bathroom both functional and beautiful with our bathroom remodeling services.
Mt. Pleasant Window and Remodeling uses window installation experts to upgrade your home’s appearance, value and efficiency.
We have several types of Pro Via Entry Doors available with a wide variety of clear & decorative glass designs to meet your own specific style.
Quality, Reliability & Customization.Let us help you make your patio door become a clean, simple and elegant entryway.
Withmore than 40 years of experience in the remodeling industry, Mt. Pleasant Window and Remodeling Co. provides clients with high-quality workmanship. You can expect us to deliver exactly what we promised.
Because remodeling can be a daunting task for homeowners, we do our very best to make it easy and even a pleasant experience for you. The Better Business Bureau (BBB) recognizes Mt. Pleasant, and the EPA granted us a Lead-Safe Certificate. We received the Readers Choice Award of Excellence from Trib Total Media in 2014.
Here are some of the services that Mt. Pleasant offers in New Stanton:
When you are ready to upgrade your home or office, give us a call to know more about our services or use our contact us page to send us a message. Our phone number is 724-200-8494 if you want a free estimate or would like to learn more about our financing services.