September 12, 2023 | Slickville, PA
Given that this was three different doors being replaced, it took our certified installers two days on the job to finishing replacing and installing three doors for the customer in Slickville. The customer wanted to keep all the new doors the same color, and chose a blue color that really ...
September 12, 2023 | Irwin, PA
With this being a bigger job, it took our certified installers two days to complete the two windows and patio door in this enclosure. Our installers also came back a couple weeks later to finish off the enclosure with new Ply Gem siding as well, which really pops with the ...
September 8, 2023 | Mount Pleasant, PA
Given the type of work our installers had to get into to replace these windows, our certified installers took an extra day on the jobsite to complete this window replacement for the customer in Mount Pleasant. We installed brand new ProVia windows for the customer, which were mainly either 2 section ...
September 6, 2023 | McKeesport, PA
Since there were a lot of windows that needed to be replaced on this job in McKeesport, our installers took an additional day to complete the window project. We were able to replace the older windows in the home with brand new windows from ProVia. The customer went with upgraded ...
September 6, 2023 | Harrison City, PA
Our installers completed the install of the new storm door for the previous customer in Harrison City in just one day there. Doing just a storm door is a job that doesn't take as long as installing a brand new door or a window, but our certified installers still take ...
August 31, 2023 | Mount Pleasant, PA
Though the 3 Section Slider is a bigger window, our team of installers were able to replace and install this brand new ProVia 3 Section Slider window in just one day on the jobsite. The customer chose to have grids in the left and right sections of the window, which is an ...
August 30, 2023 | Greensburg, PA
Our certified installers were able to remove the old shower and install a brand new, beautiful shower for our previous customer in Greensburg. This new shower is much more stylish and modern than their previous shower, which was in need of an upgrade. The customer absolutely loves their new shower ...
August 30, 2023 | Connellsville, PA
With this being a more difficult job given the size of the window and where it was located on the home, our installers took an extra day to finish this window conversion in Connellsville. Our installers were successful in replacing the three older double hung windows and install a brand ...
August 24, 2023 | Greensburg, PA
Our installers were able to create the dream new walk-in shower for the customer in Greensburg. The customer chose to go with quite the features in this new walk-in shower, which included multiple grab bars and shelves, a permanent shower seat for sitting while taking a shower and a shower ...
August 22, 2023 | Mount Pleasant, PA
Our installers were able to replace and install seven brand new ProVia windows for the customer in Mount Pleasant in just one day on the job. The job was a little bit bigger of a window project than most as the customer also had us replace some siding on their ...
August 21, 2023 | Jeannette, PA
Our installers were able to work all day and complete this customer's seven window installation in just one day on the jobsite! The customer went with some beautiful windows from ProVia that really ascend the home's features and really makes them pop when you look at them. The double hung ...
August 15, 2023 | Greensburg, PA
Since this job was a little more complex than most, our installers spent two days on the jobsite putting these brand new ProVia windows in this patio enclosure. The reason for the extra day was due to the fact that our certified installers had to frame in some of the ...
August 15, 2023 | Greensburg, PA
Our installers were able to complete this beautiful tub-to-shower conversion for the customer in Greensburg. Unlike their previous tub/shower combo that had a shower door, the customer chose this time to have a more open shower and just have a curtain rod for the shower. The customer also want ...
August 11, 2023 | Greensburg, PA
In just one day on the jobsite, our certified installers were able to replace and install a brand new ProVia entry door for the customer in Greensburg. Originally, the customer had a red colored door with a wood finish on the inside part of the door. For their new door, ...
Total: 578